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I truly believe that no matter how complex it looks or sounds or actually is, it is never so complex that it cannot be understood or explained in simple language, easy to understand. Business, Technology and Life is all about interesting questions and finding answers to them. So this is a blog about finding right and real answers (which I can understand)to seemingly complex questions, and also about what I think and feel, about IT, about people,about other things under the sun...

A delicate balance

I have had very educating discussions with folks all over the globe, in enterprise IT organizations and people working in Technology companies and IT services companies since I wrote my last post.

It is clear that implementing "Anytime, Anywhere Any device secure access to applications and data" is more a journey than a goal, given the complexities of the enterprises, especially those with global presence and multiple business units with large workforce.

As end user architecture teams in enterprises wade through the maze in this journey, it is all about maintaining a delicate balance. A balance between key imperatives of IT risk, compliance, user experience, costs, operational efficiency and agility. We find some large companies willing to experiment to implement VDI up to 85% of their estate, for they think it will reduce their risk, and some larger ones who choose not to take this route at all (since they don't see a business case in VDI) since cost is THE primary driver for them.

Many companies give more importance to user experience than costs and risks and their approach to mobility or workspace transformation is driven by what will make most sense to the end user. They are willing to make trade offs on costs or IT efficiency, especially in cases where business is driving some of these decisions.

Industries like Healthcare and Insurance which are compliance driven show a different pattern in implementation and adoption of some of these technologies.

It is early days yet in this journey, and no one is claiming a perfect answer or a perfect balance.

Do you know anyone who has found it yet?

posted by Anirudh Joshi @ 10:04 AM,


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