Services...the new avataar ?
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Got a lot of response and comments to the earlier post…about silence in services.
Some of them are about why Services is a different world and why it is unfair to compare it with product…That may be so…the unanswered question here is about the changing avataar for services.
The action in product busienss continues to point towards consolidation …the map of products world will look very different in 10 years from now…
What will happen to IT Services in future? Will it completely depend on the way the product game changes or will the services world chart its own course ?
For eg…SaaS (Software as a Service) is a completely new busienss model to sell software, competes with licensed products business, and though is called "as a Service", is very different than the IT Services business model.
Is XaaS going to be the dominant model of services for future? Will it threaten both products and services business alike? How will it impact the existing models of IT services companies?
posted by Anirudh Joshi @ 9:31 AM,